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University of Victoria

The University of Victoria is one of Canada’s top research universities. It’s renowned for research impact and dynamic learning opportunities. UVic is located in Victoria, British Columbia, on the edge of Canada’s spectacular west coast - a gateway to the Pacific Rim.

It is consistently ranked North America’s top university for published research based on international collaboration. It’s also home to the world-leading Ocean Networks Canada, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, Institute for Integrated Energy Systems, and the world’s only joint Indigenous law program.

Strong partnerships connect UVic to communities at home and around the world. It’s frequently honoured for its comprehensive academic programming. It is also known as Canada’s best comprehensive university for preparing students for the global workplace.

UVic is committed to global connections. Its faculty, staff and students partner with over 300 institutions in 70 countries.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 181 articles

Is the sun setting on the Atlantic ocean current system? While not impossible, it is certainly not imminent, and overly sensationalist headlines do little to further the cause of tackling the climate crisis. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

The ‘Gulf Stream’ will not collapse in 2025: What the alarmist headlines got wrong

Recent headlines around the supposed impending collapse of the Atlantic currents remind us of the importance of avoiding sensationalism in facing global warming.
Drug checking is a harm reduction practice that provides chemical analysis of substances. Fentanyl test strips help drug users ensure that substances are free of dangerous fentanyl. (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti)

Scaling up community drug-checking services in B.C. could help respond to the overdose crisis

Most consumables in Canada have quality controls that inform purchasing and consumption decisions. People who use illicit drugs deserve the same. Drug checking provides that harm-reduction service.
Indigenous communities can be involved in renewable energy projects in a number of ways. The benefits of revenues to communities can be important to improving their self-determination and economic reconciliation. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

How Indigenous economic development corporations can support a just, low-carbon energy transition

Indigenous economic development corporations can generate income for communities and support the transition to clean energy.
To achieve a sustainable future that benefits Canadians, a coordinated response from households, businesses and the government is essential. (Shutterstock)

Canada needs to set its businesses up for success in the clean energy transition

In the fact of economic uncertainty, one question remains: Is it worth investing in a more sustainable Canada, or will it become just another economic burden?
Marco Mendicino, ministre fédéral de la Sécurité publique, a déclaré qu’un registre des agents étrangers protégerait les Canadiens et renforcerait les efforts déployés pour lutter contre l’ingérence étrangère. La Presse canadienne/Sean Kilpatrick

L’ingérence étrangère au Canada vous inquiète ? Un registre des « agents ennemis » n’est pas la solution

Les pressions politiques s’intensifient sur le gouvernement fédéral pour qu’il crée un registre des agents étrangers. Mais les antécédents de discrimination raciale incitent à la prudence.
Federal Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino said a registry of foreign agents would protect Canadians and bolster efforts to address foreign interference. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Concerned about foreign interference in Canada? An ‘enemy agent’ registry is not the answer

Political pressure is mounting on the federal government to launch a registry of foreign agents. But a history of racial discrimination is reason to be cautious.
The U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation seized the assets of Silicon Valley Bank on March 10, 2023, marking the largest bank failure since Washington Mutual during the height of the 2008 financial crisis. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

Silicon Valley Bank’s failure: Could something similar happen in Canada?

Large Canadian banks are likely not at risk of bank failures, but history suggests smaller, more niche financial service firms could be.
Policymakers need to better consider the needs of all children to ensure that children with disabilities are not left out. (Shutterstock)

Inclusive child care must support children with disabilities

As federal and provincial governments bring in measures to make child care more affordable, the voices and needs of children with disabilities must not be ignored.
Exemptions from funding cuts are needed to ensure trans and non-binary people can get medical care. (Shutterstock)

Cuts to telehealth in Ontario mean fewer trans and non-binary people will have access to life-saving health care

The closure of the virtual Connect-Clinic means fewer trans and non-binary people will get the vital health-care services they need.


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